Make more art

There is only one possible answer. This diagram has the advantage of a great simplicity. You can’t escape. When I saw this on Jeff Goins Facebook page, I was immediately struck by the evidence of the answer. Yes. The only answer is make more art, no matter how you can evaluate your craft.

There is only one possible answer…

The other thing that prompt me to reflect is the simple fact evidence that if you make art, you’re an artist. No matter what. So it’s extremely liberating: you are immediately free from the prepotence of your inner censor, the one that always keeps saying “no, you’re not good enough, it’s better that you quit now”.

Our work as artists is not to win the internal censor, that’s probably impossible. It’s different, it’s to keep on notwithstanding the internal  censor. To keep on embracing your fear.

So, let’s make more art. World is waiting for us to express our unique voice.

Thanks Jeff, I definitely needed it 🙂


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