Google Wave Drips With Ambition….

Sometimes, it’s interesting to dig a bit deeper in the Net to understand that things did not go the way we all supposed… I’m still missing Wave, it has been a revolution aborted in the initial stage. But it had all the potentiality to […]

No pain, no gain

Yes, I think that it’s the way things are: you must work hard to obtain results. This is true in a variety of situation. More or less, it’s true basically everywhere. Take the case of art, for instance. This is a field in which […]

Why I love DayOne…

To me, journaling is essential to remembering when important events took place in my life. I don’t put a lot of faith in my own brain to keep an accurate record, so journaling helps add reliability to my memories (from  Ross Lockwood’s post) I […]

My new book

In case you didn’t know, here is my new book of poetry (in Italian). The name of the book comes from a song of Victor Heredìa, “Ojos de Cielo”. I was inspired by this passage  Eyes of heaven, eyes of heaven, don’t abandon me […]