There is something that is often not really convincing in Apple commercials, at least in my opinion. I mean, technically they’re made very well, they’re made by people who know how to make them. About this, nothing to blame.
But if I meditate about the message they want to send me, I often find a misalignment from reality, like a subtle mismatch. I come across something that doesn’t add up to me. Today, as in the recent past.
Let’s take what’s often appearing on (italian) television, in these hot summer days (what I find online, to be honest, is a slightly different version from what I’ve seen several times on television, but the concept is the same).
I quote the words of the MacRumors website, in the article describing the commercial
In the spot, security cameras are positioned as pesky birds and bats, hovering around smartphone users as they browse the web. The cameras are everywhere, representing website trackers. Much of the ad is focused on non-iPhone users, but toward the end, iPhone users opens up Safari and all the creepy cameras explode in mid-air.
Definitively, there’s something wrong here. The message I get is that if I want to surf away from prying eyes I have to buy an iPhone and use Safari. Yes, I have to spend a not insignificant amount, but I gain in security. Which is an important thing. Something that is probably priceless.
In my opinion, here there is some truth mixed with some false, or at least some questionable arguments. So true that security is important, but are we certain that the only way to navigate safely is through an expensive object like an iPhone? Is the only way to launch Safari to kill all the spy birds in the video (really disturbing, no doubt about it)?