Qaiku, work in progress…

If Qaiku was famous like Twitter, now the whole web would be talking
about the maintenance status of the service 😉
Anyway, let’s hope that after the upgrade we, as Qaiku users, can
benefit from some new feature!
New Brand for Ubuntu?

No more brown in Ubuntu desktop? Anyway, I must recognize that the posted screenshots are pretty…. It seems that Ubuntu is succesfully shaping a path toward a “clear” and fresh new style.
The new layout let you understand that there is something “new”, without loosing completely the old and widely accepted look & feel. Well done Ubuntu!
New Brand for Ubuntu?

No more brown in Ubuntu desktop? Anyway, I must recognize that the posted screenshots are pretty…. It seems that Ubuntu is succesfully shaping a path toward a “clear” and fresh new style.
The new layout let you understand that there is something “new”, without loosing completely the old and widely accepted look & feel. Well done Ubuntu!
MeMenu on Ubuntu

Just stumbled upon the page explaining the “MeMenu” concept, to be fully implemented in upcoming releases of Ubuntu. I like very much the Rationale under this project. With the other news, such as the music store that’s just opening, it seems more and more difficult not to love Ubuntu, in my humble opinion ! 😉
5 New Things about Windows 8 and Ubuntu 10.04

Interesting comparison between the expected features of the upcoming operating releases from Microsoft and Ubuntu.
Broadly speaking, it seems hard to deny that linux on desktop is getting more and more appealing with time… Problems remains in the lack of certain “key applications” (as iTunes, or Photoshop); its avaibility could drive many user to linux, IMHO…