My desktop

Just played a bit with my account on account, yesterday. Well I got the impression that Virtual Computing is getting more and more “usable” each day: it’s not a simple experiment any more, it’s something that you can really start to use, even if for simple tasks.

It’s quite funny to close a desktop (say) at work, and reopen it at home, on a different computer, to find exactly the same configurations!

Now, if I only could open a bash shell … I know, I’m asking too much (for the moment)…

Posted via web from SegnaleRumore Express

Jolicloud, a cool new OS for your netbook ?

Still looking for a good linux distribution for my eeepc 701 4g, since unfortunately it seems that the native Xandros OS does not offer automatic upgrade to recent releases of many important softwares (as Firefox, Openoffice…): too bad that Asus now is promoting almost only Win XP! . So far I tested Easy Peasy and eeebuntu.. now I am quite excited to test Jolicloud, a rather peculiar distro, focused on social web… let’s see… 🙂

Posted via web from SegnaleRumore Express

The observation of the Perseids

Today even the homepage of Google presents a very special image, because this is the proper time to observe  the Perseids meteor shower. Indeed, though the period in which you can see them in the night sky extends from late July to about August 20, the “peak” for the probability to see them is exactly on the night of August 12. The Perseids shower happens because the Earth passes  through debris from the Swift-Tuttle comet.

The special logo that appears today on the homepage of Google

If you want more detailed information, you can refer to the NASA website, which also offers some advice for the best viewing.

KDE – KDE 4.3.0 Caizen Release Announcement

I’m looking with renovated interest to the new releases of KDE project. I switched to Gnome when KDE arrived at the “famous” 4.0 release, also because I was not satisfied from the user experience of the new desktop. Gnome offered me a simple but more usable enviroment, I soon discovered.

Now, not that I’m not satisfied with Gnome, but I’m tempted to switch again in the other direction (or at least, at giving a try), since the recent improvements – as the so called “Social Desktop” seems indeed quite intriguing… well, after all, the beauty of linux is the possibility to choose, don’t you think ?

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Google names Chrome OS partners

The reactions from the Linux crowd were mostly positive. Sometimes, however, they seemed to show the same nervous optimism that my dog gets when he sits panting and grinning by the door, wondering if he’s going to be invited on the car trip.

Interesting article on Google OS and the various reaction…

Posted via web from SegnaleRumore Express

How We Know Chrome OS Will Be A Hit: Steve Ballmer Doesn’t Think So

There are a lot of questions out there about Google’s new Chrome OS. Since little is actually known about it, the most interesting questions right now tend to be about Google’s overall strategy in making a new OS. And if such a strategy will actually work. We tend to think it will, and that belief got a huge boost in the arm today as Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has finally come out and mocked the idea.

Admittedly, a bit facetious, but it’s nevertheless an interesting and pleasant reading..

So, if you was wondering if the new operating system from Google is going to have a bright future, or conversely if it’s only a bad move, now you finally have a way to make up your mind 😉

Posted via web from SegnaleRumore Express