Simplenote: notes made simple

Ok, I know. There are plenty of programs devoted to the useful task of storing your notes. One that’s very nice is surely Evernote. It’s really great. I use it for my attempt to move toward a paperless world (anyway, before I reach my paperless status I’d need not to forget to scan a lot of document – which I’m definitively too lazy to do).

But wait. Another service which I’m going to love more each day, is Simplenote. It’s perceptively more minimalistic in respect to Evernote, it’s easy to use, it has all the (nowadays) mandatory apps for Android and iOS (now it’s also coming a Mac app, which I’m eagerly waiting). Moreover, notwithstanding its apparent simplicity, it has a lot of interesting features.

Schermata 2013-09-16 alle 16.23.00
From Simplenote website

Taking advantage of the existence of different services, I decided some times ago to use Simplenote only as a laboratory for my creative writing attempts. It is a good thing to keep them separate from the rest of the daily stuff. Moreover, the fact that one can easily navigate trough the various revisions of a document, it’s deeply appreciated when one comes to creative writing, as you can easily understand.

Now when I enter Simplenote I feel more like home, in company of words and thought I like and that are mine. Not too different, I guess, as a painter can feel while he enter in the room where he works.

Simplenote and Scrivener are my art laboratory and my tools for writing.

Simplenote is interesting in this regards, also because my preferred tools for writing, which is Scrivener, can exchange data with this service. So it’s all connected  – once again. 😉