In modern age, the choice of the browser is far more important than a simply problem of deciding which software you prefer to use. Considering that you tipically spend a lot of time inside your browser, it’s more a matter of the way you see the world, it’s something that is deeply related to what you feel important.
Let’s say it : just the idea to take some distance from the giants of Internet, it’s refreshing. Google, I’m talking about you, now. Not that I’m going away fro you: au countraire, I’m still a faithful user of many of your services. Mail, maps, searches… even the Google Assistant in my bedroom (which I find really confortabile and pleasant to use).
So I’m not quitting Google, in no way. I just think that promoting diversity and encouraging many smaller realities to spread their specific vision on the web, is nowadays more and more necessary.
After some times spent with Brave, from some times I’ve come back to my previous love, the browser Vivaldi. Yes, Brave it’s an interesting project, but it too focused on handling of cryptocurrency, which is not my cup of tea (and I agree Vivaldi on that).
Vivaldi is a different world. The number of useful features here is quite impressive (so that I do not even try to list them, in this post).

I also like the name of the project, since Antonio Vivaldi has been a talented composer of my country, centuries ago. His music is still attractive and it deeply influenced many great composers.
In passing, one of his most famous work surely is “Le quattro stagioni“, which you can enjoy in the video below, conducted by the worldwide known director Riccardo Muti (yes, Italian as well).
But we are humans, after all. We are not robot: technology is interesting for us, only if the humans side is not forgotten. In Vivaldi I find a warm sense of community, which in modern age – where Internet is no more an exciting land of discoveries, but a way to make money for big companies – it’s really attractive.
This is exactly the reason why I recently choose to move here this blog, previously hosted by WordPress. I am old enough that I’ve experienced the exiting moments of the infancy of Internet, and I realize how much is changed from them. From a creative land of free communities to something to monetize, the transformation overall is not so exiting, for all of us (well, apart from few guys that made their fortune in this way).
Here I’ve found something that in some way, it brings me to an Internet of some times ago: not technically, I mean, but on the human side.
So I’m here, Vivaldi. Now, let’s see what we can do, together… π
Nice post. Your experiences with alternative browsers are similar to my own as I posted in a blog here last week – you might to take a look at my blog (Stuff by Travellin. Bob/ I would be good if you would consider Following, too! ;-))
Welcome to the Community.
Thanks Bob, I just found (and followed) your blog, a lot of nice posts to read. I’m most interested in your recent posts on Vivaldi, it looks that we have some considerations to share…
Are you italian? Like me? Great!
Yes, absolutely! In passing, I wonder how many Italians are here…. π
π Vivaldi was always one of those great browsers to be admired
π Vivaldi, in my opinion, was always a wonderful web browser.
By the way, you mentioned that you moved over from WordPress to here on
I am curious. Is the editor easier to use?
As you already know, WordPress uses the Block Editor and I was wondering if had a much simpler editor.
Renard, sorry for my late reply!
In my experience, the editor of Vivaldi blog is not different from the standard WordPress editor (block editor, as you correctly indicated). In fact, from what I understand, Vivaldi gives you (for free) a fresh WordPress installation, without admin privileges (you cannot install plugin etc…) but also without annoying advertising, or the need to update anything. Which is fine in that you can focus on writing, and on sharing your work to the community π
Wonderful post ! Welcome to Vivaldi π