FeedLine (a fresh start)

I know, I know… This blog has been wandering in cyberspace, lately. It started under Blogspot, than I’ll move it to Altervista.org (inside a WordPress installation) and now we’re here, into WordPress.com ecosystem. I’ll try to see how if this can help to reach […]

What’s in a name?

What’s in a name? Well, after some (let’s say) deep thinking (and some tests to discover what’s still free at the rather crowded blogspot domain) I chose patch.panel while I was browsing wikipedia (in English, of course) looking among terms of informatic science. To […]


Hello, this is just a little blog where I can freely experiment in writing my thoughts in English. Which, in passing, it’s not my first language, as you can easily understand if you read my posts 😉 My first language is italian, the language […]