Face your fears. And write

Yesterday evening I was in front of my laptop, wondering. Well, I have those project. You know, a couple of ones are almost finished, the third is still on start, but it’s more ambitious (a new novel). Anyway, a lot of days has already passed and I was not able to convince myself to spend times fully devoted to those project. It seems, there is always something to do instead of writing. 

Because of the great fear. The fear that my writing is a loss of time.

The fear is so high, sometimes, that I prefer to actually loss time, checking my Facebook timeline or indulging in other not-so-productive activities, instead of writing.

Because of this. Because I do not want to face my fear.

Actually, it turns out that facing my fears could be the right thing to do.

Yes. Facing my fears. Which means, in this case, writing. Writing anyway, even if I think I’m not good enough, even if I fear that it can be a loss of time, even if I am sure that other people could make it better. Far better than me. They are only paralyzing statements that want to keep me from my best work.

So yesterday evening I forced myself to reopen one project, the project of a poetry book. And I discovered again, that wonderful thing. Namely, that going through my stuff, even if it’s imperfect, even if it’s naive in certain part – it makes me feel better. Again, I’m connected with the universe, I feel I’m doing what I’m here for.

Yes, strange to think, but it’s so. Even if I can severely judge my writing, nevertheless I haven’t the freedom to decide. I have to write. I have to overcome my fear and write (or better, I have to embrace my fears and write).

Let me write down it, since I constantly try to escape from this simple fact. I can feel fine only if I accept to write. If I do not accept it (with the excuses I listed above, plus others – I have plenty), nothing can fill the hole in my heart.

I can only think of a reason for this: I am not alive by chance, but for a reason (everybody is here for a reason, everybody has a task to do in order to make the universe more bright). One of the reasons I’m here is writing.

So I’m supposed to quit my (excellent) job and write all time?

No, I do not think so.

I think my duty is to write inside the circumstances that I experience around me. Circumstances are not casual, they are the way I have to grow. That’s what I learn from School of Community and it fully resonates in me (when I’m honest with myself).

So, if I’m called to be a scientist and a writer, a husband and a father, that’s what I have to do. Every tentative deviation from this path (compulsive food, drink, sex… should I mention all of them?) is a loss of time. While writing is never a loss of time, never.

Only a little game

Admittedly, there is something joyful in opening #google  in the morning and discover a little game waiting for you…

Screenshot 2013-09-27 10.08.20
My Google page this morning

This is to celebrate the 15 years of life of the popular search engine (which in passing is a very limiting definition, considering what Google has achieved till now).



Too many professional realities try to give you an image of seriousness and reliability (which is absolutely good, in itself) without indulge in any aspect connected with the discover, or the sense of wonder. I agree, this is only a little game, not intended to raise complex questions – no doubt on it. Nevertheless…

You always have to feed your sheer vision of the world 😉

Chrome, reloaded

I’m definitively a fan of Chrome browser.

To tell you all the truth, every now and then I’ll try to switch to Safari, which seems to me a bit faster in loading the pages – at least on my not-too-recent MacBook. Anyway, it happens always the same: in a few hours (or minutes, depending on my mood and on what I’m doing) I close Safari and reopen Chrome. In Chrome, I feel at home. Safari seems to me a bit too “serious” (if you know what I mean); but the real problem of that otherwise excellent browser is that the choice of available extension is still really poor (when compared to Chrome and – of course – to Firefox). There are some tools that I need almost everyday, that are still missing in Safari: one for all, the HootSuite Hotlet.

Ah, yes. Another think I adore in Chrome is that it comes bundled with a “multi user system”. Which I find extremely useful in a variety of situations. It’s very comfortable when developing websites, or updating your blog (you can easily see how a given website do appear when you’re not logged in, for example). It’s very comfortable when you want let your wife check its emails on your computer, without the hassle of having to logout/login with her username and password. And surely, in another number of situations that I still can’t imagine!

Screenshot 2013-09-26 12.02.01

Now the latest update of Chrome (29.0.1547.76 at the moment writing) bring me even more excitement, I have to say. First, I have now a direct shortcut to post on Google Plus. Which is fine, because I have just took the decision to wake up my G+ account (that was sleeping while I was wasting time in Facebook) using it for my posts in English (or I should better say, for that imaginary language that I hope can resemble English in some way). Second, the interface is now much more polished (even more minimalistic, one can say), because the applications are normally hided, even if are just at a distance of one click.

Feels that I’m rather a not-too-orthodox Apple fan. Really Apple fans use Safari, no doubt.

Ok, as a simple browser, Safari probably work better. I do recognize it.

But the fact is, Chrome is more funny.

Chrome, reloaded

I’m definitively a fan of Chrome browser.

To tell you all the truth, every now and then I’ll try to switch to Safari, which seems to me a bit faster in loading the pages – at least on my not-too-recent MacBook. Anyway, it happens always the same: in a few hours (or minutes, depending on my mood and on what I’m doing) I close Safari and reopen Chrome. In Chrome, I feel at home. Safari seems to me a bit too “serious” (if you know what I mean); but the real problem of that otherwise excellent browser is that the choice of available extension is still really poor (when compared to Chrome and – of course – to Firefox). There are some tools that I need almost everyday, that are still missing in Safari: one for all, the HootSuite Hotlet.

Ah, yes. Another think I adore in Chrome is that it comes bundled with a “multi user system”. Which I find extremely useful in a variety of situations. It’s very comfortable when developing websites, or updating your blog (you can easily see how a given website do appear when you’re not logged in, for example). It’s very comfortable when you want let your wife check its emails on your computer, without the hassle of having to logout/login with her username and password. And surely, in another number of situations that I still can’t imagine!

Screenshot 2013-09-26 12.02.01

Now the latest update of Chrome (29.0.1547.76 at the moment writing) bring me even more excitement, I have to say. First, I have now a direct shortcut to post on Google Plus. Which is fine, because I have just took the decision to wake up my G+ account (that was sleeping while I was wasting time in Facebook) using it for my posts in English (or I should better say, for that imaginary language that I hope can resemble English in some way). Second, the interface is now much more polished (even more minimalistic, one can say), because the applications are normally hided, even if are just at a distance of one click.

Feels that I’m rather a not-too-orthodox Apple fan. Really Apple fans use Safari, no doubt.

Ok, as a simple browser, Safari probably work better. I do recognize it.

But the fact is, Chrome is more funny.

More pink on Rdio…

No matter as you start your day, it’s always a good thing when your client Rdio alerts you about the availability of other Pink Floyd’s album (as it just happened). Schermata 2013-09-20 alle 13.46.12

At the moment, I’m pretty satisfied with rdio as music subscription service. I prefer it even to Spotify (which interface seems to me definitively more cluttered and far less polished in respect of rdio) and to Google Music. And the availability of a incredible quantity of albums of different kind of music (classical, jazz, pop/rock …) is really appealing.

Not to mention the client for OS X. In its simple elegance, it makes its work very well.

Oh, and Handel is fine too. Obviously.

More pink on Rdio…

No matter as you start your day, it’s always a good thing when your client Rdio alerts you about the availability of other Pink Floyd’s album (as it just happened). Schermata 2013-09-20 alle 13.46.12

At the moment, I’m pretty satisfied with rdio as music subscription service. I prefer it even to Spotify (which interface seems to me definitively more cluttered and far less polished in respect of rdio) and to Google Music. And the availability of a incredible quantity of albums of different kind of music (classical, jazz, pop/rock …) is really appealing.

Not to mention the client for OS X. In its simple elegance, it makes its work very well.

Oh, and Handel is fine too. Obviously.