Google Chrome OS and Canonical

So 2010 looks set to be a very exciting year. In addition to delivering Ubuntu experiences with both existing and new OEM partners, we will be working with Google on Chrome OS based devices.


It’s certainly an exciting thing that Google OS is taking shape. I think that the simple fact that a huge company invest on linux, far from being a problem for the open source community, can bring some new perspectives and some fresh new air on the linux world. And it’s certainly needed, IMHO. Even more good, is discovering that Ubuntu is working with Google in this project…

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Ubuntu 9.10 Feature Tour

Ok, as many others, I’m eagerly waiting to update my Ubuntu box. Ubuntu is surely a great distro, no doubts. Anyway, if I can move a critic to the webpage presenting the features of the new system… well, it could be this one: did you realize that almost 90% of the item presented are NOT specific of Ubuntu, but common to almost all modern linux distributions?

I mean, Email and chat (Empathy, Evolution), Internet (Firefox… could you imagine a linux distro without it..?), Photos (F-Spot…).

Admittedly, the purpouse of the page is also to present Ubuntu to people that are not “geek” or linux experts. Anyway, why not to stress a bit more the specific Ubuntu features?

Just my two cents… 😉

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KDE – KDE 4.3.2 Caizen Release Announcement

“The KDE community has fixed over 10,000 bugs and implemented almost 2,000 feature requests in the last 6 months. Close to 63,000 changes were checked in by a little under 700 contributors…”
These are numbers quite impressive 😉

Overall, I think that both Gnome and KDE have reached a really good level of maturation. Linux on desktop is getting every day a more robust and realiable option…

Wallpaper selection for the upcoming Ubuntu

Nifty Fifty Blur
Inserito originariamente da orb9220
Linux is about choice, indeed.. and what better of getting the possibility to choice a pleasant wallpaper for your Ubuntu box?

And what if the images you find already included in your brand new Ubuntu have been choosen in a context which involved a lot of passionate users (and photographers), via a submission in a Flickr group?

As reported in the Kenneth Wimer blog, “the results of the flickr submissions is simply amazing. 639 members submitted 2001 photos. Selecting the images to include in Karmic was a big task, and if there were more free space on the disk, I would add more….”.

Isn’t it great to see that a linux distribution is a product really built upon the free contributions of many, many people? 🙂

Tell your cat NOT to download Amarok for Mac…!

Please be aware that no stable version of Amarok for Mac OS has yet been released. This means those builds are FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY. There is no official support for them. These builds might be unstable, have bad side effects, kill your cat, start WW IV or even worse, may not work at all. You have been warned!

Well, I receipt the kind warning. At any rate, why on earth does Amarok for Mac should kill my cat?? Ok since I actually haven’t a cat, I can assume I can proceed without concerns… apart from this reference to a WW IV… 🙂

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