Sunset, from the observatory

In these days, it’s a particular pleasure to come out from the Observatory (Rome Astronomical Observatory, which actually it’s not in the city but in the outskirt) to admire the beautiful and very suggestive sunsets, wonderful moments that only nature can produce.I’ve taken some […]

Open Source and Linux, in 2019

From  an interesting article that appeared in the middle of 2018, you could understand that the things kept moving,  last year, for the Open Source ecosystem.This is open source beyond Linux and, according to Zemlin, is indicative of one of the best years and most robust […]

Play Music, or Spotify?

There is a thing I like so much in Google Play Music, and it’s the simple beauty of its minimalistic interface. Really much more appealing, to my eyes, in respect (just do say) to the look of Spotify. Nothing to say, Google is still […]

About me

I work as astronomer at INAF -Astronomical Observatory of Rome I’m interested in the stellar population of the Local Group dwarf galaxies, in globular clusters, and also in computation of stellar tracks and isochrones. I am also involved in ESA mission Gaia and in outreach acrivities. Marco CastellaniINAF – […]