A girl on a tram (or not)

So, I opened NightCafè and wrote “A girl on a tram” (don’t ask me why this image came to mind) and this came out. Really intriguing. It is not on the tram but in front, but in short we are there. At this point […]

The rhythm of the Moon

This is the problem. That we have gradually freed ourselves from the rhythms of the Earth, of the seasons, of the cosmos. Until we build a synthetic and precisely artificial life, with temporal scansions that are out of this world, which make us strange and tire us. Because […]

A truly space beagle

The Artemis I mission was, as we know, a complete success, and is destined to represent a clear turning point, to symbolically open (because in fact is already underway) the new race towards the Moon. Something that involves, as we well know, both the space agencies […]

The moon of Makemake

There is a whole world, besides the small cabotage of classical astronomy, that of a school textbook. And that’s exactly what fascinates me most. I’m curious about what is in the shade, what is not in the spotlight. We never, never or almost never […]

A new creation

Certainly well known is the photo of the Hubble telescope that shows the imposing columns of gas and dust, site of intense star formation, inside the Eagle Nebula . Oh well, we have seen it a lot of times. But now, it is as […]